Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hot Weather Solutions

It has been extremely warm, especially Monday.  We decided to show Paisley how to cool off in the summer heat.  We hooked up the sprinkler, but Paisley was not terribly excited about getting wet.  I don't blame her too much...the water coming out of that sprinkler is probably 50 degrees.  She thought it was pretty neat, but not quite brave enough to go through the sprinker herself. isn't summer for me yet.  Jordan is officially done with school, but he starts his summer school classes soon.  Oh how I envy him being done!! 

Race Day!!

Today was Paisley's first road race that she participated in!!  We can't start early enough.  About a month ago I had a co-worker die from brain cancer.  Before he passed away, his wife and the Senior student council decided to put on a run not only for him but for brain cancer research.  It was a 5k race, and Jordan, Paisley and I all participated.  Jordan walked and carried Paisley in a backcarrier while I ran  (21:30...3rd place in my "old" age group).  It was a great race, and there were tons of people there...almost 500!!  Jordan said Paisley was clapping at all the passing runners and trying to give them high fives as they passed.  She loves road races already!!  It was for such a wonderful cause, but as you can see...Paisley was ready for a nap by the time we were done.   

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's Been Awhile!

Let's has been quite awhile since I posted anything here.  As always, things are always happening at our house.  We are winding down the school year, and it can't come fast enough.  Jordan only has 9 days of school left!!  He has summer classes, but I am free for the summer...not until June 11 though.  Oh that is so long away!!

I have become a garage sale addict...I think I've had my fill though.  Paisley has enough clothes for two little girls!  I can't resist a good deal though.  I picked up a infant swing, and Paisley loves it.  However, we don't have anywhere to hang it outside.  We've been hanging it in the garage which has worked great with all of the rain.  We back the vehicles out, and she is good to go. 

We are getting ready for the swimming season.  My cousins were in Darlington a couple of weeks ago, and we all met at the hotel.  We tested the water, but it was past bedtime, so it wasn't a huge hit with Paisley.

Paisley is all over.  A couple of weeks ago she was in the nursery at church, and the ladies commented to us afterward that she is "quite the monkey."  So true!!  She has no fear and will climb on anything.  The Friday before Mother's Day, Paisley was running through the patio door and fell.  However, her face hit the slider.  It bruised so quickly.  It is looking much better, but for a week I felt like a terrible mother.  At breakfast on Mother's Day a man saw Paisley and said to her, "You have a dirty face."  I just smiled and shook my head!!

Jordan gave us a great surprise by purchasing the largest chair known to man.  It is hideous, and he thinks it is great.  I can just imagine this chair around a campfire.  The whole campground would need to walk by the campsite just to see this monster.

Lastly, I just wanted to share that Paisley really is alot like me.  She loves her pancakes just like her mom.  When Jordan isn't home, this is what we eat.  We don't care if it is breakfast or supper!  As you can see, she like the bigger pieces!