Saturday, February 20, 2010

Scale Tipper

Paisley went to the doctor on Thursday for her one year check up.  She has officially climbed back on the weight chart (still in the fifth percentile, but we love progress).  She weighed 18 pounds 1 ounce!  We were all very excited, and again the doctor and nurses were able to see that she is simply a very active little girl. 

The Big 3-0!!

Last week was my birthday.  I turned 30, and for some reason I feel very old.  I had a fabulous weekend, thanks to my wonderful husband.  He started the weekend off with a great surprise.  On Saturday morning he had arranged for Maggie to pick me up.  (However, I didn't know, and I have learned that I should lock the door when I am in the shower and Paisley is napping.)  He also arranged for my mom to be there to watch Paisley.  Maggie and I met two of my Senior friends (Molly and Anna) at Capri College.  It was a great day of relaxation.  Later that evening, Jordan and I went to Taiko (a Japanese steakhouse).  It was fabulous and a lot of fun!  On Sunday we had dinner at my parent's house with my Grandma and Jordan's mom and grandma. 

Paisley surely enjoyed my birthday cake more than her own birthday cake.  She couldn't wait to dig in!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Hard Day's Work

Today was an inservice day at school.  We had a technology session, and the last time we had a technology session, I got the idea to start this blog.  This is what I did today.  I learned quite a few things that you may be seeing in the future.  I do actually have some ideas on how to use this in my actual classroom too!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Look! No Hands!!

Paisley often tries to help unload the dishwasher.  Actually, she just likes to try to climb on the door.  It is like a game.  As soon as she hears the dishwasher open, she is right there.  I try to be as quick as I can.  Last night, she picked up a plastic cup that was on the bottom rack.  She carried it around and was so proud of herself.  It kept her busy while I unloaded the rest of the dishwasher.  As I was done, I turned around and saw this.  She thought it was the greatest thing!!


Since Paisley now has decided that she can crawl into things, she seems to sometimes have trouble getting out.  She enjoys crawling in her car seat, but we will often help her out after she is upside down.  The other day I heard her doing her, "Help I'm stuck" cry.  I went into the living room, and she was stuck in the magazine basket.  When I got the camera out, she thought it was a picture perfect moment.

Come On In!

This past weekend Paisley decided that she spent too much time actually flinging her toys out of the toy bin.  She decided it would be much faster if she just crawled right in.  She was so content on just being in the bin and being with her toys.