Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas...part 2...about us

Jordan was super excited to see that a deer was in our house on Christmas morning.  It took him about 1 minute to put together...which was almost disturbing to watch him put the deer together.  He managed to take it downstairs and test it out.  He is so proud...and ready to shoot any deer that even dares to step on our property!  Hunting never ends at the Williams ranch.

Merry Christmas!!

Paisley had an eventful first Christmas.  Santa brought her a tricycle that can be a rocker, a pusher, or a tricycle.  She has enjoyed pushing it around the house.  She also received a kitchen from Santa at Grandma and Grandpa Troy's house....among many other things.  She now is the coolest kid on the block with her own cell phone and laptop.  We will have to limit her technology use!!  Her favorite toy so far is definitely the toys that Santa brought the cats.  Imagine that!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Flu Bug Has Hit!

We have been hit with the flu bug.  Monday I stayed home with Paisley because she was still a little sick.  She reacted to the medicine the doctor gave her.  In the morning I started to not feel well.  Jordan came home early because he didn't feel well.  By the afternoon, we both wanted to crawl under a rock.  Paisley spent the night at grandma and grandpa so we could lie in misery...which we did all day Tuesday also.  I started to feel better on Tuesday, and I am back to work.  Jordan is still home today.  Hopefully we all will be better for the Christmas holiday.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Relaxation at its Best

Paisley has been sick lately, and today I was officially puked on two times.  Not just a little puke either...a full blown puke.  Paisley had two baths and probably could have had one other bath.  We took her to the doctor, which she did not enjoy.  She has been unusually lethargic, and she actually took some time to sleep with her dad while I went for a run.  This is what I saw when I came back from my run.

Graduation Day!!

Saturday was my graduation day!  I actually finished my degree in August, but I went through the ceremony with the December graduates.  It wasn't terribly long, and Paisley made it through the entire well as Jordan!  Afterwards, Jordan threw a small party at our house, and it was an all-around nice day.  By the way...I am now "Master" in the house.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!!

We had a family snow day today.  We both actually knew last night that we wouldn't have school, so we didn't have to worry about it this morning.  The wind is howling, and the snow is blowing.  We tried to take Paisley outside quickly in her new sled, but it was too windy for her.  We did get some quick pictures.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Tree is Lit!

We barely managed to fit the 9 foot 6 inch tree through the door, but it made it.  Jordan did a fantastic job trimming the tree, and it is centered, lit, and decorated.  It looks wonderful.  We are very happy with our choice.  Paisley did try to help a little with the decorating, but she was really fascinated with the train that goes around the tree.  She was more intent on derailing the train.

Christmas Tree Hunting

Even though Paisley is battling a bad cold, we decided that today was the day to select the perfect tree for Paisley's first Christmas.  We went to the tree farm we usually do in East Dubuque, but they didn't have anything tall enough for us.  We found a new tree farm near Sinsinawa Mound, and we found a dandy!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Paisley was a butterfly for Halloween this year. She is the cutest butterfly we have ever seen. She really didn't mind her costume, and she crawled around most of the morning in it. It got hot quickly, so we couldn't leave it on too long. We didn't actually go trick or Paisley isn't eating candy yet, and I thought it would be somewhat rude of us to simply go with her. (Trick or Treat...the grown-ups just want your candy). We visited Jordan's mom, my grandma Teutschmann, my aunt Kelly and uncle Frank, and my mom and dad. She was definitely a tired girl when we got home. We did stop at home in-between to take a nap, but dad was the only one to take a nap.

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vroom! Vroom! Here I Come!

Paisley has found a new favorite toy.  My mom found this little push/ride cart at a garage sale for $0.25.  Paisley has really enjoyed pushing the cart around.  She will push it until it runs into something and she can't go anymore.  She doesn't quite know how to steer it yet, but she is doing a fabulous job.  She also really enjoys riding the cart.  Her feet aren't quite able to touch the ground, but she loves when we push her.  She gets on, hangs on with two hands, and away we go.  She smiles and is very content.  We just have to work on learning how to get off correctly.

Carving Pumpkins

Tonight we carved pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds.  Paisley wasn't terribly thrilled about removing the gooey insides of the pumpkin.  She was more interested in the newspaper that was covering the table to prevent a mess.  We did get her to put her hand in the pumpkin, and she was really excited when the final pumpkins were unveiled.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Time

  We went to Grandma and Grandpa Troy's to pick out a pumpkin to carve. We put Paisley in the middle of the pumpkins, and she was to choose which one she wanted. However, Paisley was more impressed with the blue tarp and the noises it made and how it felt. She did begin to play with one particular pumpkin, as it made fun hollow noises when she hit it. We ended up with three different pumpkins, and the goal is to carve them this weekend.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Teething Time!

Paisley is in the process of getting her third tooth.  It will be the first tooth on the top, but she seems to be handling everything fine.  She did great with the first two...just a lot of drooling.  Everything goes in her mouth.  This makes me realize how often I really need to sweep and vacuum the floors.  Yuck!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Packer Fans Forever!

Even though our beloved Brett Favre has moved on to wearing purple, the Williams family will always be Packer fans!  Paisley has adapted quickly to our Packer Sundays, and she wears her green and gold with pride.

All Fun and Games!

Paisley is an active and busy little girl.  She moves around very quickly, crawling and managing to get into anything and everything.  She is pulling herself up and just enjoying being able to play with daddy.  As you can see, her and dad enjoy all of the toys!

A New Beginning!

Ever since I finished my research paper for my final Master's paper, I have wanted to create a blog. With some suggestions for a blog about our family and after a productive school inservice, I have decided that I CAN do this. I am super excited to continually update everyone on our family events (mainly Paisley's events)! I just need to find the time...who needs to grade papers?!